银河平台-www.5168cc|官方网站-Made in China

Ecological Restoration

Ecological Restoration

Ecological Restoration: Capitalizing on its indigenous plant research system, germplasm resource reserves, seed production system, and big data platform.

M•Grass has achieved scientific segmentation of ecological restoration into grassland restoration, mine/barren mountain/slope restoration, desert and sand land control, saline land improvement and soil rehabilitation, dump/wasteland rehabilitation, water-efficient landscaping and sponge cities, sports turf planting, and so forth. It has established its business presence in more than ten provinces nationwide.

It has developed a series of local, industrial and national standards accordingly, namely the Technical Standards for Revegetation at Open Coalmine Dumps in North China Grassland;

Technical Standards for Greening Water Efficiency in Beijing Region;

Technical Standards for Grass Revegetation in Wasteland;

Technical Standards for Rehabilitation of Degenerative Grassland;

Technical Standards for Management of Eco-friendly Pasture in Grassland.

In its endeavors of ecological restoration, M•Grass aims, by selectively culturing indigenous plant varieties in quantitative proportion, to restore the ecosystem for development by coordinating “people, grass, domestic animals, water, soil, meteorology, and microorganisms” and to achieve ecological sustainability through triggering the self-healing capability of the ecology through human intervention.


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